Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dellnitz's talk

2. GAIO/Mangen for LCS; NTG/DMOC(Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control) for optimization
3. Kuhn-Tucker condition and Houman's problem; relation to Pareto's equilibrium?
4. Application to molecular dynamics, find invariant manifold and invraiant measures.


量子化原理:微观世界的描述不能用决定性的方式来描述,他们是几率式的。事件的几率全体组成Hilbert 空间。动力学变量实现为Hilbert空间上的算子。
我们知道,量子力学已成为了解微观世界的基本工具。在量子力学发明后不久,人们把它用到电动力学的研究上。这时我们必须引入场的概念。经典的麦克斯韦方程是线性方程。它的解就是无穷多个波的叠加。其量子化乃是将无穷多个谐振子放在一起而无相互作用。当人们作计算时发现有许多无穷大。一直到1948年,量子电动力学才在引入重正化以后有了有限的定义并和实验吻合的极好。在1954年杨振宁-Mills 将规范场推广到非阿贝尔群。其量子化经许多人的努力得到实现。人们发现量子规范场理论是唯一具有渐进自由性质的量子场论。物理学家对于围扰场论用费曼图给出了定义。到1974年物理学家建立了基本粒子的标准模型。从此物质场基本被标准模型所描述。在此过程中杨先生的“对称性支配相互作用”起了重要作用。拉氏量中的相互作用往往被对称性的考虑所决定。人们也试图在此框架下将引力量子化,没有成功。实际上,引力场是不可重整的。
弦理论把粒子不再看成一个点,而是看成一根弦。弦的运动扫出一条曲面,弦的振动给出粒子。当粒子碰撞时,他们不在某个特定的点碰撞,因而免去场论中令人头疼的无穷大问题。到了1985年人们发现共有5种协调的超弦理论。他们都在10维时空中运动。在我们将其中6维空间紧致化以后,我们可以得到通常的4维规范场论。从保持部分超对称的考虑,紧致化的6维空间必须是卡拉比-丘成桐空间。弦理论里自然包涵引力子,超引力是超弦理论的低能极限. 在1985年人们面临的问题是,在5种超弦理论中,哪一种是描述自然的?超弦理论如何和实验建立联系?
如Witten最近在一些文章中所强调的,有两个问题是非常基本的。一个是量子Yang-Mills规范场的有限性,这可从渐进自由看出。但是目前数学上还没有证明。另一个是Yang-Mills场的质量界猜测,这和夸克幽禁有极其密切的联系。这也是Clay研究所提出的7个千年僖数学难题。目前这问题最有希望的解答是通过和弦理论的对偶得到。Maldacena前几年猜测具有极大超对称的以SU(N)为规范群的场论和某些以1/N为耦合常数的弦论对偶.这种规范场/引力对偶近两年拓展到N=2, 1 的超对称Yang-Mills场论. 夸克幽禁问题很可能在不远的将来得到解决.
Witten 建议数学家在作4维的量子场论的问题之前作2维和3维的场论.对于2维Sigma模型,质量下界对于特定情形建立起来.我们应设法拓展到广泛的情形并得到一些几何上的应用.对于3维场论他建议在Chern-Simons项前增加Yang-Mills项.这种场论的质量也应当是有下界的.
弦理论的对偶性为数学提出许多深刻的问题. 例如Sen指出弦理论的某些对偶蕴涵某些模空间上调和形式的关系.从物理学家的角度考虑,Seiberg-Witten-Donaldson的对偶性可从弦论的对偶性解释。Seiberg-Witten-Donaldson的等价性是富有挑战性的问题。也许我们需要建立某种无穷维的微积分,在这里BRST算子相当于无穷维的微分算子。Seiberg-Witten的工作相当于对于有超对称的特别的Yang-Mills场建立了夸克幽禁。
这些问题的实质性进展无疑将量子场论,弦论变为数学的一章.这是我们期待以久的.由于数学和物理长期的隔阂,在国外将两者真正结合起来作的也是凤毛麟角.这对于我们来说是个很好的机会. 我们希望中国的科学家能在此过程中继续作出贡献.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

MatPy - Matrix package for Python

MatPy - Matrix package for Python

MatPy - Matrix package for Python

MatPy is a Python package for numerical computation and plotting with a MatLab-like interface. It currently consists of wrappers around the Numeric, Gnuplot and SpecialFuncs packages. It provides an alternative interface to NumPy that is somewhat more convenient for matrix and vector computation. Eventually both will be based directly on the same low level routines. We are also looking for the possibility of interface to Octave.

Why another package of numerical computation?

  • We want Python's capability of object oriented programming and its rich data structures.

  • We want Matlab/Octave style expression that is convenient for matrix computations.

  • The interface of the Numeric package is more optimized for multiarray than linear algebra.

The goal of this project is to provide a package with an interface that combines the elegance of Python for OO programming and convenience of Matlab/Octave for numerical computation.

The documentations are in html, ps and pdf, generated from LaTeX source.

This is an open source project. The Project Page below has many useful links, including how to join the developement.

You can get the releases from the Download page. If you want to try the latest and greatest grab the CVS tree.

Any comments, suggestion, questions or codes are welcome. Just drop me an email. But if you're going to hack a lot, the most efficient way is to join the development team so that you can check in to the CVS tree yourself. See the SourceForge Site Documentation for how to do it.

Scilab Documentation and Support Pages

Scilab Documentation and Support Pages

Documentation and support

  • On-line help. Each man is a HTML file generated from XML file. In the Scilab hierarchy they are in the man directory:
    • /man/eng/: all man files in English
    • /man/fr/: all man files with a number of them translated into French

    You can download below the HTML files for the stable version:

  • Next to the on line help of the software, we encourage you (specially if you are novice) to read our webpage dedicated to free books or reports to make the first move with Scilab or to consult the Scilab step-to-step web site. Scilab team express one's thanks to Jacques-Deric Rouault from NAMC laboratory for his work - CNRS UMR 8620, bat 446 Université Paris-sud, F91400 Orsay.

  • Some documentation not yet updated are still available and can be useful.
last update: February 23 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Objectifs :

Ce projet consiste à développer un code orienté objet (langage de programmation C++) commun aux deux laboratoires en vue d'objectifs identifiés, à savoir :

- Permettre des simulations numériques de types éléments finis 2D/3D sur maillages non structurés, l'étude d'estimateurs à posteriori et la mise en oeuvre de techniques de raffinement de maillages, dans le cadre de problèmes anisotropes;

- Obtenir des bibliothèques performantes permettant la résolution de problèmes algébriques standards (par exemple la résolution de très grands systèmes linéaires, la recherche de valeurs propres,...), sans aucune « boite noire » sur laquelle devoir s'appuyer;

- Developper un code pour modeliser le comportement multiphysique des materiaux intelligents (alliages a memoire de forme, materiaux piezoelectriques). La loi de comportement pour ces materiaux est obtenue par une approche d'homogeneisation, ou "micro-macro", qui utilise une transition d'echelles permettant de prendre en consideration l'influence des parametres microstructuraux sur le comportement global;

- Concevoir un code qui pourra être vectorisé et/ou parallélisé en fonction des besoins futurs;

- Développer une interface graphique compatible avec tous les OS.

En outre, de par son orientation objet, Simula+ doit permettre aux futurs arrivants dans les laboratoires (étudiants, thésards, ingénieurs, enseignants chercheurs,...) de comprendre très rapidement sa structure globale et de pouvoir y travailler rapidement. Pour ce faire, sont organisées des formations au C++ pour les doctorants, et le code comporte une aide pour chacune des classes développées. Une "charte du projet" régit les modalités de développement et d'utilisation du code, afin d'assurer une bonne communication entre tous les participants, la construction d'un outil numérique de qualité, et de permettre une valorisation satisfaisante du travail accompli.

Willem Ottevanger

Willem Ottevanger
(e-mail: w.ottevanger AT

Discontinuous Finite Element Modeling of River Hydraulics and Morphology with Application to the Paraná River

Compiling and running the code
Adding a test case
Documentation of the code using doxygen.


Final presentation (15.15.2005)
Build up of the code (16.9.2005)
Jonge Honden Seminar (21.7.2005)

IFISS Software Package

IFISS Software Package
This is an open-source MATLAB software package associated with the book
Finite Elements and Fast Iterative Solvers with applications in incompressible fluid dynamics
by Howard C. Elman, David J. Silvester, and Andrew J. Wathen, published by Oxford University Press.
See the publisher's web pages (UK Edition) / (US Edition) for additional information about the book.

The IFISS software can be used to generate typical linear systems arising from finite element discretizations of four important PDE applications: diffusion, convection-diffusion, Stokes flow and Navier-Stokes flow problems. It has built-in multigrid and Krylov subspace solvers and includes a variety of appropriate preconditioning strategies for each problem. We have used early versions of the software to support technical workshops we have given in the last decade on fast solvers for incompressible flow problems.

Key features include
  • implementation of a variety of mixed finite element approximation methods
  • automatic calculation of stabilization parameters where appropriate
  • a posteriori error estimation
  • a range of preconditioned Krylov subspace solvers (including MINRES and BICGSTAB(ell))
  • a built-in geometric multigrid solver/preconditioner
  • an interface to the algebraic multigrid solver of FEMLAB (see )
  • useful visualization tools.

IFISS has been tested under Matlab Versions 5.3 to 7.0 and can be run under Windows, Unix and Mac architectures. Documentation is available at ifiss_guide.pdf.


FEniCS is free software for the Automation of Computational Mathematical Modeling (ACMM).


FEniCS is organized as a collection of sub projects/components. Currently hosted projects are

  • DOLFIN, the C++ interface of FEniCS,
  • FErari, optimizes the evaluation of variational forms,
  • FFC, automates the evaluation of variational forms,
  • FIAT, automates the generation of finite elements,
  • Ko, automates the simulation of mechanical systems,
  • Puffin, a light-weight version of FEniCS for MATLAB/Octave.
To take part in the development of FEniCS, subscribe to one of the mailing lists.